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PC Components

Samsung QVO vs EVO SSD: Which One Is Better?

The invention of SSDs technology has brought a revolution in the laptop and desktop industry. It has replaced the old mechanical disks due to its easy installation, high speed, and resistance to strain and shocks. SSDs are extremely popular around the globe. You can purchase an SSD of one terabytes space or even more at […]

Top 7 best motherboards for gaming in 2022

The motherboard is the backbone that links the other components of a computer together. None of the computer components such as a Hard drive, GPU, or CPU can connect without a motherboard. The effectiveness and full functionality of a motherboard are important for a computer to work properly. Before you purchase a motherboard make sure […]

How to choose AT power supplies and ATX power supplies

The power supply is as important as the heart of the human body in a P.C., and a suitable power supply product can provide a stable power supply to other hardware in the P.C. host to ensure their regular operation. Analysis of the difference between AT and ATX power supplies AT power supply and ATX […]

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